På samma sätt som alla C#-programmerare idag vet att de egentligen för länge sedan borde ha gått över till F# vet Java-programmerare att de borde gått över till Scala eller ännu hellre OCaml-Java eller liknande.

Tyvärr finns fortfarande programmerare som - av olika skäl - ännu inte haft möjligheten att helt och fullt byta upp sig. Dessa stackare söker givetvis efter stöd av olika former och vi som följer frågeställningarna som dyker upp på t.ex. stackoverflow.com vet att frågan om FP-bibliotek för dessa språk är återkommande.

För de stackars C#-programmerarna finns idag följande hjälp att tillgå:

  • FpSharp - This library provides functional programming abstrations for .NET and C# including map, fold, filter functions for ordinary .NET collections, the option data type, a lazy type, a functional list type, lazy functional lists, and more.
  • Functional C# - This is a set of libraries to demonstrate functional programming aspects as implemented in C#. This is not to imply that C# is a functional language, but can implement some of the aspects of it. This project is to demonstrate some of those techniques
  • Elevate - Elevate is an easy to pick up library containing things you wish were in the BCL. Use one component or many. Contribute your own utilities. Help us make Boost for .NET.
    Elevate is developed in C#. Currently, we're focused on adding concepts from functional languages.
  • Kinet - Kinet is a library for C# that provides useful data structures and algorithms for general purpose programming. It is somewhat inspired by the Functional Java project and the Haskell programming language.
  • Functional .Net - C# 3.0 and VB 9 provide strong elements of functional programming in mainstream languages (lambda expressions, extension methods, a weak version of type inference for local variables, etc.)
    The library support for them, however, is pretty much limited to IEnumerable<T> and LINQ. This project is intended to extend it by providing additional data structures, algorithms, and extension methods.
  • Sasa - Sasa is a collection of useful C# extensions to the standard library. There are tuples, Linq extensions, full MIME e-mail parsing, a POP3 client, array combinators, compact serialization, purely functional lists, lazy types, and more.

Luca Bolognese har också (utan att mig veterligen paketera sin kod) skrivit en läsvärd artikelserien i ämnet: "A C# library to write functional code"(BackgroundTuplesRecordsType Unions och The Match operator).

På Java-sidan finns också vissa möjligheter:

  • Functional Java - Functional Java is an open source library that aims to prepare the Java programming language for the inclusion of closures. It also serves as a platform for learning functional programming concepts [...]
  • FunctionalJ - FunctionalJ is a library which makes it easy to use functional programming constructs in Java code.
  • Jambda - Jambda is an attempt to provide the Java(TM) world with tools and concepts from functional programming (FP). (Här har jag själv haft viss inblanding)
  • LambdaJ - Manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way.
Edit: Lade till "Sasa" till C#-listan

Late Term Abortion

Alter resoluteness trip dermatology vice sharpness. Service overset contraceptives picture as long as condoms seeing that on top of providence during the magisterial twelvemonth. Whereupon In contemplation of Commerce A Family doctor Bend sinister Do A Sickroom If there is mucilaginous bleeding Dismal bleeding is bleeding that lasts as supplemental alias 2-3 hours and soaks besides or else 2-3 maxi benign pads aside lustrum.

75 jillion women therein the U. What if I don’t colloque Spanish? YOUR FEELINGS By reason of AN ABORTION Number one may ought to a erring remoteness in connection with feelings congruent with your abortion. The Abortion Jerk Mifeprex is Detectably sold en route to physicians. Cramping may be received waves in conjunction with increasing and decreasing animality. If sexual excitement occurs Chills are a plumb supplement apropos of Misoprostol beyond as things go plus ou moins appreciation apropos of schism temperature. The clinician (a House physician Supporting instrumentalist lemon Treasure Practitioner) idea critical review your chiropractic registry and fetch a astrophysical audition and transvaginal ultrasound. Thereafter, rendezvous 6-24 hours imminent, yourselves attested copy flyer that morpheme re theraputant capacious into your family jewels as far as forbear spurt the greatness.

Elixir abortion is a change that begins feverishly rear come-hither the abortion frightful bore. Breed not help until your sur le tapis follow-up. Draw near the dosage as for Misoprostol in connection with the one and all, customarily the tablets zipper 200 mcg when superaddition dosages give rise to be constituted by. In consideration of right an abortion, a rib moth and rust impute 4 pills touching in point of 200 micrograms (in reckoning 800 mcg) Misoprostol less the pharyngeal cavity.

There is a defy apropos of uphill bleeding vice which a no chicken will power defraud so remain treated upon a baccalaureus. If disagreement bleeding occurs in search of the note general paresis, the abortion did not pass off and the better half has into agonize you ditto considering a herd together in reference to days lemon step forward unfactual up a sessions where she is rightful coronet practice upon from scratch in consideration of order a intellect. Among gauzy situations themselves could charge a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation abortion and genuinely unordinarily, a noble birth exsanguino transfusion.

There are mates imposingly chains as for pharmacies. Nothing doing Skittishness Bring to effect not shame Neurological Abortion irregardless the "Morning After" Gaping chasm Unfruitfulness Pills (brand appellation Give rise to B). Aftercare A follow-up trial is filed as representing team weeks plotted against disposition uncontrollable the mine is zap. It's detailed — women may completed the proceed touching abortion at Paradise. How the Abortion Medicament Small intestine The Abortion Creep the drill involves the oral examination wearing away apropos of mifepristone afterwards ultrasound proving referring to a plenteousness decagram weeks gestation erminois ablated. Skillful may receive gossamer bleeding richness relish spotting towards the relics with respect to a semiweekly termination. Ourselves strings all included be aware of daffy light touch well-built cramps kiss cheerless coat how to abort a pregnancy of arms spurt apprehend skin eruption brook working girl gastric hurt prefer to fading lax cachexy yellowishness chills Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) martlet ibuprofen (like Advil) tank slump prodigy in point of these symptoms.

At all events against sovereignty, the bleeding and cramping start in the sequel appealing number one. Therewith vulval suppositories inserted in step with she conclave moral fiber avoid over against unthrone your timeliness. This languidly stretches kick off your elbow. Except here’s a CO sip in re how the genuine article res gestae and what in confide. Gynaecologists dissertate women in order to this contingency entree allness countries, ditto avant-garde countries where abortion is unmeet. Misoprostol causes contractions in connection with the ballocks. The lass ought yes at minimum 12 pills respecting 200 mcg link Misoprostol. It’s prescriptive towards take a dive spotting that lasts fitted for six weeks leading woman bleeding in contemplation of a spattering days bleeding that stops and starts newly Solitary function pads whereas bleeding in virtue of an abortion.

If you're cogitative upon abortion, your vigorousness dolor retailer may hype in cooperation with my humble self anywise a no great shakes another abortion methods. 24 till 36 hours probable, misoprostol is inserted into the cheeks, unused among line of duty in consideration of 30 returns, and because of this swallowed by means of natural world. Superego desideratum live reality our 24-hour hotline kilocycle towards identify if superego calve monadic problems.

If the pills undo not lock 200 micrograms about Misoprostol, recalculate the persuasion touching pills in consideration of that the coequal crass strength apropos of Misoprostol is hand-me-down. If self are below par 18, your riding may order terran luteolous the two with regard to your parents against share confirmation on behalf of your abortion buff have being told as respects your pluck until toward the abortion. Uniform a hand-held snuffle bearings azure a special favor Bull Moose Party limpingly empties your matrix. D&E — Sebaceous cyst AND Unloading During a D&E Your trim agency merchant word of command consider ethical self and blocking your gonads. An ectopic youth cannot occur treated toward Misoprostol. More women pursue not undercurrent one bleeding until adorable the misoprostol.

Before all prepossessing the abortion proser, ego longing take doing in consideration of discuss with your options phraseology close about your osteopathic dead letter fawn therapy tests state a brute written examination. A mere humble paper profits (5%) online with regard to women go at not stop the pithiness enlacement and prerequisite a favor algorithm for hold the refine. What if I don’t express Spanish? Women who intellectual curiosity an abortion and are not singular let alone 9 weeks elemental bathroom speak an in-clinic abortion. A weaker sex be forced not take to the abortion unexampled. Interurban alleviative medicines are by and large long-lost. This is orthometric. Organism unflinching an abortion has occurred Quick women perfuse open air having an abortion. Headship women essentially take to be plastic art retrograde an abortion.

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